Monday, June 9, 2014

His Vulnerability, Beauty and Submission.

He ponders his last submission to me and wonders if he should show more. He longs to be exposed, his frame welcomed in any form. Is he enough? His arousal tells him to keep going.....

This boy, this young man that fuels my mind and desires, feeding my passion and imagination. I can almost taste and smell the vulnerability that radiates through his images.  I can hear his breathing as he strokes himself to the edge and displays his work for my approval. 

What is buried deep within you boy, that you feel drawn to reach out to me, to touch me and open your soul to me? Is it that need that lies inside us all to be exposed before another and not judged? To be seen as though transparent and celebrated for the authentic beauty that is your own?  Anyone can take a naked picture, but yours, yours are a story wanting to be told.  Yours ask, "Do you like me? Do you want me? Do I please you? Am I enough for you to desire me? "

If you were here I would show you my approval. I would celebrate your openness and encourage you to go further in your vulnerability to me. I would have you reenact each image you have sent me and relive the erotic rush that warmed me. If you were here......

I can hear his breathing... he strokes himself to the edge and displays his work for my approval. 

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