Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015...Taste and Know it's Good!


2014 was full of transitions, health issues and new discoveries! It flew by with many changes in my life and is ending with beauty and stability. Don't want to live through it again but I do love the results.

I understand myself and the direction I desire for my life going into 2015. I'm excited and you may see some subtle changes on this blog as 2015 unfolds. My writing will still be filling these pages, along with images of beautiful men. That will never change!  ;)

That being said I am opening up my 'Saturday Eye Candy' to all of my lovely male followers to please submit to me any images they have during 2015 as possibilities for that weekly feature! You can easily submit those pics to my Tumblr or email me.

Be safe this last evening of 2014. I want you all around tomorrow! Your life is ALWAYS the result of the choices you make on a day to day basis. You are the architect of your life. Grab hold of that responsibility and enjoy the ride ahead that awaits you. Life is yours!



  1. Replies
    1. Happy New Year you lovely people! And H H...I'll be anxiously awaiting your submissions for Saturday Eye Candy! xxoo


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